Invest in Proof of Putin Assets

ETH / Token


Expected tokens
Exchange Proof of Putin Tokens

ETH / Token



Do not transfer Ethereum to the contract directly from any exchange! If you send from the exchange directly, you'll not receive your tokens!

Token vs ETH/contract

Price vs ETH/contract

Accumulated Dividends


PUTIN Tokens



Value in US Dollars

Putin is watching you! Buy PUTIN Tokens and make Russia Rich!

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Proof of Putin Concept

How does it work?

Proof of Putin is a token with the inbuilt exchange system. By simply holding Proof of Putin (PUTIN) tokens, you will get dividends every time a transaction happens in this exchange. Everything is managed automatically by the Ethereum Smart Contract to guarantee absolute transparency. You can check all the transactions in real time and verify on the Ethescan website. Our system charges a transaction fee of 10 percent for every Buy transaction and 40 percent for every Sell transaction. A portion of the transaction fee is sent to the promoters for marketing and the balance is distributed proportionally to the token holders as the dividend. The PUTIN token price is automatically scaled by the smart contract. For every purchase of PUTIN token, the token price increases by 0.00000001 ether. For every selling of PUTIN token, the token price decreases by 0.0000001 ether. So, the price cannot be manipulated by anyone.

By holding, you can make profit in two ways:

1) Whenever a transaction happens in the system you will get dividends automatically.
2) You can sell your tokens at a higher rate, when the sell rate is more than your buy rate.

As To spread our system to a number of people, we have an affiliate system for you. If you have anything more than 50 PUTIN tokens, you can refer anyone and get 30 percent of the transaction fee as your commission. Check the left sidebar to get your referral link.

Proof of Putin

- Ethereum in contract

- Tokens in circulation

Frequently asked questions

  • Transformation fee: 10% from investment
  • Withdraw fee: 20% from assets
  • Transfer fee: 1% from value transfered
  • Referral profit: 35% from guests investment fees (forever)
All profits are related to amount of ETH you transform in correlation with token market activity. As more and more mining asets are stored into platform you gain certain % of that amount. Also taking in account every withdraw is profitable for you as long as you have tokens.
When making withdraw its important to set GAWEI value as per priority you want to have your withdraw execute. The lower the GAWEI the longer it will take.
All your assets are stored 100% on ETH blockchain and have no centralized authority for failure. All token functionality code is visible at and is executed automatically.